Our Identity

Our Seal

The Color Red: The color red is the color of energy, passion and action. It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination.

The Human Chain: It symbolizes cultural diversity, global brotherhood and the spirit of National Integration that the University promotes. Students from different countries, different states and regions belonging to different communities form a team that works for a single goal “Excellence”

Globe: Adopting the International standards of learning and teaching model besides global acceptance is represented by the symbol Globe.

The Color Black and White: The combination of Black & White represents transparency adopted in policymaking and the way it is implemented. Campus rules are transparent and the students are clear about the vision and mission of the University.

How to use the Seal?

  • The official seal may not be altered.
  • When used with the name of the university, the stacked wordmark “BGIET” should be used.
  • It should appear in either the official Red, Black and White.
  • Do not crop the seal.
  • Do not rotate the seal.
  • Do not reduce the seal below ½” in diameter.
  • Do not place other images in or on top of the seal.