Institutional Social Responsibility

Institutional Social Responsibility

One of the cornerstones of BGDC is social responsibility. We as an institution believe that our role should not only focus on imparting knowledge and skills to the students. But, we believe in inculcating social awareness, values and environmentally responsible behavior amongst students. As an active agent of social change BGDC takes on voluntary actions in the creation of a culture of social responsibility in society through plethora of activities that address both our diverse interests and well-being in of the society.

Environment Protection

BGIET has launched ‘Save Me- My Environment, My Earth’ Campaign
In collaboration with National Green Tribunal (NGT)

  • BGIET is maintaining a green belt of 2 KMS (1kms either side of the college)
  • New trees have been planted and the old trees have been preserve by the college
  • college has also Practical based Environment Training Course in Curriculum from the academic year 2016

Environmental preservation

BGDC has launched 'Go Green Save Earth' campaign following the footsteps of 'Swachh Bharat Abiyan' launched by Indian Government in 2014.

  • BGGI is maintaining green belt inside campus
  • Every now & then New trees have been planted & the old trees have been preserved by the group.

Go Green, Save Earth is an initiative of BGDC to heal the planet. In this regard, mass contribution is made by every student towards mammoth cause of life on earth. The focal point is to increase the green cover of the state of Punjab. The project aims to bring breather to the ecology of the state without inflicting any financial burden on the state.

Tree Plantation Drive

Saving Mother Nature has become a pressing priority, as to save the Bio-Diversity from negative human forces sustainable measures need to be taken. As an initiative BGDC adopts a futuristic approach to make the youth well versed with sustainable lifestyle.

Eco-Friendly Diwali

As the festive season approaches, the massive rise in air pollution is observed. The BGDC encourage spreading awareness about the deleterious effect of firecrackers on health & Environment and spread the message to celebrate Diwali as an occasion to recommit with family.

Clean Campus Green Campus

Following footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi's vision of clean India, BGDC often in assistance with NSS volunteers organize cleanliness drives in neighboring villages.

Seminar for Senior Citizen Care

To support the integral wellness of elderly, BGDC also organizes seminars for senior citizen care, which are customized to inform elderly about good physical and mental health, vital for happiness.

A SMART Junior Program

The SMART Junior program is an initiative of BGIET, which is aimed at transforming the school students into smart juniors by providing them with skills and a platform to exhibit their talents.

The sole purpose of this program is to motivate the children so that they could confidently bring out their innate capacity, further contributing to the betterment of Indian society.

Senior Citizen Welfare

Ageing is an inevitable process of life. So to support the physical and holistic wellness of elderly, BGIET has launched Senior Citizen Welfare that provides more effective provision for the welfare of senior citizens.

  • Seminar for Senior Citizen Care

    To shore up the integral wellness of the elderly, BGIET organizes Seminars for Senior Citizen Care, which is dedicated to aware senior citizens about good physical and mental health, essential for happiness.

Neighborhood School Program

Considering Education as an instrument of Social change BGDC believes that change begins at early stage. For initializing this Institution is extending help to schools that are less privileged in neighboring villages of gharachon and Gurdaspura.

  • Quiz Competition

  • To alleviate young minds, BGDC organizes various quizzing, mind grilling, dancing, music and more competitions under its umbrella.

Stationery Distribution

Education, we believe, is the greatest wealth that one can ever have. But, the basic cost incurred on educating a child is so high that it becomes difficult for poor people to provide necessary educational materials to their wards. Therefore, for the past few years, Chandigarh University has been reaching the needy children in the nearby villages and made it a mission to donate books, pencils and uniforms to the underprivileged